Though Em was purchased as a pet and never bred, she opened up the world of malamutes to us. Without her, we wouldn't be where we are today, have the friends, participate in activities, or the many other malamutes in our lives.
Quinault's Bad To The Bone, WTD, WWPD, WPD
Boogie introduced us to the show ring, and opened our eyes to what true working drive is. He was always happiest on the trails.
Georgia was our foundation bitch and we couldn't have asked for a better start. She had an incredible temperament that she passed on in spades to her pups. Georgia kept pack harmony, taught her daughters to be the amazing mom she was, and helped raise several generations.
Anua's Cam I Am, WTD, WWPD
Sweet goofy boy Cam, brother to Clara and Piper, always the mediator between the girls. We lost him too young in a car accident.